Best Youtuber

Your program is given a list of thought-provoking YouTube videos. Each video has a creator and a number of likes. (They don’t, however, have any dislikes because YouTube removed the dislike button. 😢)

Your task is to print out the YouTuber from among the videos with the best likes-to-videos ratio, along with that YouTuber's video count and total number of likes to prove it. They are thusly crowned the best YouTuber!

A YouTuber’s likes-to-videos ratio is calculated by their total likes / their number of videos.

If there's a tie, the program should print "It's a tie! There is no best YouTuber."

Each line of input will be in the format [video creator], [video likes] (note the separating comma).

The output from your program should look exactly like this:

$ dcc best_youtuber.c -o best_youtuber
$ ./best_youtuber
**Wild Candy, 84317**
**Logan Paul, 9185**
**Wild Candy, 20097**
**Jaden Smith, 35664**
**Wild Candy, 15321**
**Logan Paul, 75820**
Logan Paul is the best YouTuber.
Number of videos: 2
Total likes: 85005

Explanation: There are three YouTubers found from among the given videos: Wild Candy, Logan Paul, and Jaden Smith. Calculating each of their likes-to-videos ratios gives 39,911.66..., 2,502.5, and 35,664, respectively. As Logan Paul has the greatest likes-to-videos ratio, he's the best YouTuber.

$ dcc best_youtuber.c -o best_youtuber
$ ./best_youtuber
**Will Smith, 2000**
**Logan Paul, 2000**
**Will Smith, 2000**
It's a tie! There is no best YouTuber.


You can assume each YouTuber's name contains no more than 128 characters (including the '\0' null terminator).

As you're calculating a ratio, fractional numbers will be involved. Please use a double for this (and not float, for example). Note that the nature of floating-point numbers like double and float mean they can experience a loss of precision when doing certain operations. You do not have to account for this loss of precision; just use double as though it'll always be accurate!

CSE Autotest

When you think your program is working, you can use CSE autotest to test your solution.

$ 1511 csesoc-autotest best_youtuber


You can view the solution code to this problem here.